"Halloween on Spooner Street" is the fourth episode of the ninth season of the animated comedy series ''Family Guy''. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on November 7, 2010. The episode follows baby Stewie and anthropomorphic dog Brian as they go trick-or-treating on Halloween. Stewie is soon confronted by bullies, however, who steal his candy, causing the two to attempt to take the candy back. Meanwhile, neighbors Peter and Joe decide to play several pranks on their other neighbor, Glenn Quagmire, causing him to want to seek revenge on his friends while Meg and Chris attend a teenage halloween party at Connie D'Amico's house. The episode is the only Halloween special of the series as well as one of the only episodes to have three subplots. The episode was written by Andrew Goldberg and directed by Jerry Langford. It received praise from critics for its storyline and many cultural references. According to Nielsen ratings, it was viewed in 7.97 million homes in its original airing. The episode featured guest performances by James Burkholder, Chris Cox, Barclay DeVeau, Ralph Garman, Candace Marie, Noah Matthews, Natasha Melnick, Christina Milian, Lyndon Smith, Patrick Stewart, Nana Visitor and Lisa Wilhoit, along with several recurring guest voice actors for the series. "Halloween on Spooner Street" was one of five episodes submitted for consideration for an Emmy Award in the "Outstanding Comedy Series" category in 2011. ==Plot== Peter and Joe target Quagmire for this year's Halloween pranks. This includes bombarding Quagmire with eggs, Joe dressing up as a girl and sleeping with him, and infecting him with an unknown disease carried by a mosquito from Senegal (But only after putting every known disease in a syringe and stabbing him, including Hepatitis and Meningitis). Returning home, Peter praises Quagmire for being a good sport and the two decide to go drinking. Deciding to approach Joe, they convince him to allow them to follow him in his police car. Agreeing to do so only if they stay in his car, Peter and Quagmire soon become a nuisance. Ultimately. they drive to an old airfield where they discover a Mitsubishi Zero, which is a Japanese fighter plane used during World War II. Quagmire flies the two into the sky and eventually takes them on a high speed dive into the ocean near Quahog Harbor, stopping only inches from crashing stating that it was payback for making him have sex with Joe. Meanwhile, Stewie discovers trick-or-treaters (at first thinking they are real monsters and starts shooting at them with an m16), and soon wants to partake in the activity. Deciding to dress as a baby duck, he is subsequently bullied by a gang of three older children who steal his candy. Searching for Brian, Stewie blames him for causing him to lose his candy and convinces him to steal back the candy from the bullies. Approaching the bullies to get the candy back, Brian is immediately painted pink. Seeking revenge, Stewie half jokingly suggests to Brian that they kill the bullies, though they both agree they can't actually do that. When his plan to threaten them with a bazooka fails (and ends up killing a Godzilla-like monster instead), Stewie goes to "Plan B" and begins crying for his mother. Lois then confronts the lead bully Justin's mother and becomes her bully instead, demanding Stewie's candy back, demanding Justin's candy, and $40. But because she does not have any money, Lois takes their welcome mat and says she'll be back tomorrow for $80. The same night, Meg decides to go trick-or-treating with her friends and goes to attend a party held at Connie D'Amico's house. Excited no one can see through her slutty cat costume (even her father, Peter, who said "Ugly Bitches!") Meg eventually wins at spin the bottle, and (unknown to her) begins making out with her brother Chris who was wearing an Optimus Prime costume while in a dark closet. When Connie opens the closet after they hog the closet for too long, the siblings in their underwear, are immediately shocked at the revelation. During the credits, Stewie and Brian reminisce of the night while sorting their candy just as Meg and Chris come home. Meg and Chris both make light of the situation by convincing each other that they successfully hooked up with a hot date. Meg states that her date might even call back, but Chris immediately says that she might be disappointed. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Halloween on Spooner Street」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク